Exam preparation
You child wants to perform better on exams?
We can help them prepare!
Preparing for exams to improve results
Why choose School Success?
Efficient review
Our experienced advisors take the time to match a tutor to your child's personality and the subject matter they need to review. The tutor will develop an efficient revision plan according to the specific issues raised during the first meeting with your child and will suggest targeted exercises. As such, your child will benefit from tips and ricks provided by their tutor, and in some cases, would be able to use exam simulations, which review all the subject matter and help them practice for the real exam.
Certified tutor
Before becoming part of the School Success team, all our candidates must undergo a rigorous certification process during which their competencies are tested and their criminal record is verified. All tutors have experience with children as well as a university degree (undergraduate or graduate) related to the subjects they teach.
Continuous follow-up
The tutor writes-up a brief account of each session, as well as a more detailed report after every 10 hours of tutoring. This allows you to follow the evolution of your child's work. The tutor also collaborates with teachers in order to ensure a more complete support system.
Your child needs help?
Get started quickly and easily
- Call us, we will look into what you need.
- We will match you to one of our online tutors.
- Start tutoring
1 877 988-8672
Hire a tutor now!
Our services
Services customized
to the needs of every student
Entrance exam preparation
To prepare you child as much as possible for their high school entrance exam in order to get the best result.
To give your child an extra hand in order to improve their grades or simply to satisfy a desire to learn.
Testimonials from School Success clients
Students who've received help
Certified tutors
of our students improve their grades
of our clients would recommend us to a friend
Do you have any questions?
Our advisors are here to help!
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Tutoring 101: How to make tutoring more efficient?
This guide will help you make tutoring more efficient.
Here are a few points addressed in the Tutoring 101 guide:
- How to prepare for the first meeting with your tutor.
- What is the role of the parent with respect to tutoring?
- Frequency, duration, and number of hours of tutoring: is there a magical formula?
- 5 qualities of a good tutor
- Interview with Marichelle, tutor at School Success