French tutoring

Your child needs help in French?
A certified tutor can help!

Mastering the language of Molière is possible!

Why choose a French tutor from School Success?

  • Tailor-made tutoring

    Our experienced advisors take the time to match a tutor to your child's personality and the difficulties they are experiencing. Past participles, homophones, punctuation and syntax... let's just say, French grammar holds no secrets to the specialized tutors at School Success.

  • Individual support

    A tutor will provide your child with specialized support, whether it be for a specific issue, for helping them catch-up when they've fallen behind, for homework help, or to provide further advancement. They will also suggested work methods and learning strategies that will allow them to become more efficient.

  • Effort that bears fruit

    School Success has helped over 45 000 students since 2006. 92% improved their grades and 93% noticed an improvement in their motivation for school.

Your child needs help?

Get started quickly and easily

  1. 1
    Call us, we will look into what you need.
  2. 2
    We will match you to one of our online tutors.
  3. 3
    Start tutoring

service aux clients

1 877 988-8672

Hire a French tutor

Our services

Services customized
to the needs of every student

Remedial classes

To help a student who has fallen behind in one or many subjects.

Exam preparation

Thoroughly reviewing a subject in order to be ready to the exam

Summer classes

To pass one or many supplemental exams and start the year off more confident

Entrance exam preparation

To prepare you child as much as possible for their high school entrance exam in order to get the best result.


To give your child an extra hand in order to improve their grades or simply to satisfy a desire to learn.

Homework help

To offer the support needed for your child to complete their homework and lessons.

Testimonials from School Success clients

See more testimonials


Students who've received help


Certified tutors


of our students improve their grades


of our clients would recommend us to a friend

Do you have any questions?

Our advisors are here to help!

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