Here are a few testimonials from School Success clients
I am very satisfied with the services provided by School Success. The tutor who was assigned to my daughter helped her increase her overall average by 15% in 2 months..
Christian was a fabulous tutor, always available, patient, and able to assess Justine's difficulties and evaluate her progress. Thank you again!.
Rania was always available for my daughter and helped her in many subjects. She was excellent..
I really appreciated the speed with which the team found a tutor even though I was at the last minute..
Simon's tutor definitely allowed him to pass math this year. He was failing at the beginning and he ended his year with 88%. A huge thank you!.
We really like Jean-Francois' work. He gives everything of himself for the success of our child. Bravo!.
Congratulations to your whole team and particularly to Andrea who, through her advice and careful attention, helped our son get his self-confidence back..
Excellent service. We will continue next year. Our place is already reserved for September..
For our part, our tutor Karle Léonidas has an extraordinary tenderness and patience. She was able to explain everything that was very complex for our daughter that the school was not able to explain to her..
Our tutor, Miss Veillette, has surpassed our expectations. She goes beyond her tasks and continuously searches for solutions for our son. I can only congratulate her. She's really incredible..
We really appreciate our tutor, he adapts well to our child's needs. We really like the at-home tutoring formula..
It is the best investment that I've made for my daughter, for her self-esteem and for her academic future. Her grades in math increased spectacularly. Thank you!.
It's an excellent service..
We greatly appreciate our tutor Eve-Lyne. Our daughter passed her high school entrance exams thanks to the good work she did with her tutor as well as at the practice exam at the end of August..
Really satisfied with your services. You scale ends at 5, but I could easily have given you a 7! Excellent!.
We are satisfied with the services offered and with the flexibility that this method offers. We recommend it with pleasure..
Thank you to Miss Veillette and to School Success for continuous striving for better service..
Caroline finds that she has less trouble. We will tell you her final grades as soon as we have them. Her math teacher saw the change and told us as much..
The ministry of Education should take your work into consideration. You could be in charge of the end-of-year exams, the slower students would be less stressed. A tutor per student makes all the difference.
Excellent, I have already recommended you, and my brother is very satisfied!.
We are very satisfied with Arnaud's tutor, Antoine's, services. The whole family, even Moka (our dog) reacts to his name and waits at the window! School Success found the perfect match!.
We recommended our services to our friends. Great work, very good service. Thank you and I wish the whole team a great summer!.
The fact that Andrea could speak to Tristan's teacher by email really help the transmission of information while at the same time showing Tristan the importance of the process..
Audrey's tutor was not only kind, but also knew how to transmit the love of math to our daughter..
We called upon these services for the high school entrance exams. Ophélie was accepted, hands-down, everywhere she applied, including Laval's international school. Thank you very much to our tutor Maxime..
A lot of flexibility with respect to my son's availabilities. Quick replies. Excellent service! I wish I had known about you earlier!.
My daughter really likes School Success' service, which helped her a lot. She is very satisfied with the service..
Christophe has had two tutors since we first started with School Success, he works much more efficiently with Jean-Francois and his results have improved a lot with him..
Thank you to your team, and especially to Hélène, since our daughter Justine was accepted at Pensionnat du Saint Nom de Marie. You have contributed to making a young girl very happy!.
My son Nicolas was accepted at two great school in Quebec, Jean-de-Brébeuf and Regina Assumpta. We sincerely thank our tutor Hélène for her devotion and excellent work..
Our daughter was in perfect symbiosis with her tutor. She had a lot of fun (and yes, in the middle of August) studying and would have loved to continue her sessions..
Marilou is incredible. She was able to motivate my daughter in a way that no other teacher has done in the past. She even caught up where she fell behind in previous years..
I would like to thank School Success and especially their tutor Guillaume who made all the difference in my child's success. His help in allowing my child to confront exams with confidence and pride was immeasurable. .
My son covered the subject matter well and his relationship with his tutor was excellent..
Excellent service on the part of the tutor as was from your team. Highly recommended..
We have used School Success for many years and we are very satisfied.
Very satisfied with the service..
Very interesting method. Anne-Sophie was satisfied with her meetings. She could still need help even though she is in the U.S. next year, through the online portal. Thank you for your interest and congratulations for your portal..
I am enchanted to have had access to such a service, at the last minute. What a great company you've developed!.
Peggy is an extraordinary tutor! A big thank you and congratulations for your excellent idea that is School Success, it works!.
Bravo! Great team and excellent organization!.
Your services were greatly appreciated, especially the quality of your facilitator, Hermann. Thank you and have a lovely summer..
The tutor was very conscientious and professional. I found him calm and patient at all times. He has great interpersonal skills and knows how to make himself available. I would take him back as a tutor in September..
I am very satisfied with the service we used twice to prepare for end-of-year exams. My daughter did great on her first exam..
Our tutor Amélie gave my daughter a great helping hand, which gave her confidence and motivation to work. Thank you! .
We started the lessons a bit late in the year to be able to see a significant improvement. However, without help, my son would not have passed, we was destined to fail. A BIG thank you!.
The tutor knew his subject well. Cédric appreciated Frédéric and his help with homework was greatly appreciated. Thank you!.
Thank you for everything! You helped my daughter pass her courses and understand all the subject matter! I would recommend you to anybody!.
We appreciated the fact that School Success was sensitive to our requests, and, this year, we were especially spoiled with our tutors Karine and Sabrina. Thank you! A wonderful summer to you and your whole team!.
You offer an excellent service that allowed my son to take advanced math next year..
The tutor was very competent and especially patient. My son really appreciated it. Thank you!.
My son really liked his tutor, she was gentle and helpful..
My daughter's tutor, Fannie, is mature, competent and well prepared. She was available and even contacted my daughter to find out about her results on her final exams. What great follow-up!.
Excellent services, great availability from the tutor!.
Guillaume is a "gem" in your company. My son made incredible progress thanks to him and passed his end-of-year exams. Thank you and I wish your whole team a great summer!.
It was a great experience that we will use again when needed. I must also highlight Miss Carle's excellent work, which helped Mylène get good grades again while enjoying the work. Thank you to your team, superbe service!.
I am absolutely satisfied with the work done by the tutor. Thanks to her, my daughter passed her math course this year, when she had begun the year with an average of 40%. I have already recommended your services to a colleague who has signed-up their child as well..
I have already recommended the service to friends. Our tutor Stephanie was excellent. Thank you very much, we will use it again..
We were very satisfied with the services provided by Patrick. Patrick's approach, which adapted to Jacob's documents, was correct and satisfactory. According to the results obtained by Jacob, it proved its efficiency..
Excellent tutor who coincided with Beatrice's expectations..
I have already recommended the service to many friends, I even said that is was, as a parent, a gift to be offered!.
Jonathan's tutor was excellent. Jonathan really liked working with her. Il a travaillé fort. We will continue the sessions right from the start of the next school year in September in order to start off with a good base..
Audrey was very satisfied with the program. She told me that her tutor helped her a lot and I admit she left for her math exam in a more relaxed state than usual. In short, for us, it was a good investment..
A big thank you for your efficiency! It is rare that an organization has such a quick, precise and courteous service as yours does. I had to tell you, it's just so rare!.
Thank you for your follow-up. My daughter finally passed the private high school entrance exams. Thank you!.
A quick word to thank you for the excellent QM teacher that my daughter Alizée met yesterday; she was enchanted by the simplicity of her explanation, of her comments and advice. She is known reassured and her homework is done!.
A big thank you for your quick coordination and interaction and especially for your efficient service!.
Everything went well with Divine who is very nice. Now, I hope that the work that's been done will allow Virginie to pass her math exam. I must thank you for the speed with which you found us a tutor on such short notice..
Laurent was very happy with his meeting and came back in a good mood!.
I have always been satisfied with the services provided by School Success and would not hesitate to refer you acquaintances who may need your services. .
Thank you for giving my two sons the support they needed at a time when it was crucial for the confidence in themselves and in their abilities. With your support, they are now both in university!.
Simon is starting cegep this here, and I thank his tutor Herman, who was marvelous. .
Everything ended well for Stephan and he got his secondary 5 diploma. A big thank you to his math tutor, Mister Hasan..
I want to thank your company and especially the two tutors who helped Clémentine in math these last two years. With good humor and rigor they knew how to bring Clémentine to a new level of confidence which allowed her to pass her math courses..
Since the last two years of tutoring, Stella was able to get on top of things and her school grades are "top notch"!.
I want to thank you for the services you offered Roxane last year. She ended her school year well and will continue a second year in science at cegep in 2013-2014..
François succeeded in large part thanks to the services provided by Miss Léonidas at School Success. He's starting cegep next week! We will call upon your services as needed and won't hesitate to give excellent references to others..
You were a great savior for Mathilde. I recommended your services to many of my friends and they are all satisfied..
School Success was a great success for our family and I recommend your services regularly..
Louis has finished cegep and Jeanne is going to study veterinary medicine à St-Hyacinthe. .
Simon will be starting at cégep Maisonneuve in September and it's going well for him at the moment. We thank you very much for the support that you have provided us and I wish your service a long and fruitful existence. .
You and your society are a source of confidence for myself, Rose and Adrian. Salutations and thank you for your promptness..
When Maxime came back from his first meeting he was delighted. He finds Stephany to be very good, kind and her explanations are clear. I feel he is in good hands..
We were very satisfied with Antoine, Sophie's tutor. He knew how to create a good relationship with her, how to adapt to her busy schedule; he was always on time and available. He contributed, through his enthusiasm, to developing Sophie's interest in math..
I am really happy with the first meeting with Karine. She seems attentive and relaxed. Leo liked her a lot. It's positive!.
The first meeting was perfect and everything went well. Kim did an incredible job by creating a relationship of confidence with Megan, so let's just say, it's a good start. My partner and I are very happy with the process and we will recommend you to our friends!.
I just wanted to say thank you for everything you put at our disposal! I loved the webinaire topic yesterday. The learning specialist was excellent and she said many things that really helped me with what I was observing in my son. Thank you so much! You don't know the extent to which what you do is useful and appreciated!.
I am writing to you to mention that I am very happy with the organization and especially with the tutor Saâd B. In fact, I wish to highlight his professionalism, his seriousmess, and his desire to help his students succeed. My daughter mentioned that he explains things very well and transmits information very quickly, he has a good pedagogy as well. My daughter, as I mentioned when we first signed-up, has an attention deficit and her grades since the start of high school have been between 50 and 65%. This year, for the first time, she got 92%, which is a great achievement! This is thanks to the teacher's patience, know-how and joy of teaching, his availability to answer questions, his desire to help his students succeed, and his encouragement. I thank you and I hope Saâd will stay within your organisation for a long time such that all students can benefit from his teaching..
I am writing to you once again simply to inform you that we are still VERY satisfied with the services provided by Hadi. Our son Étienne passed his advanced math exam. With 81% on top of it. What a relief! That you for having referred us such a competent person..
Samuelle is great and Ariane really appreciated him. She has a great way of working and explaining things to Ariane. I think we have found a good match. Thank you for your support, it's greatly appreciated..
We would like to testify to the exceptional quality of the services provided by the tutor Saâd: excellent pedagogy, in-depth work on the concepts, great availability, true interest in the success of the student. His support greatly contributed to the marked improvement of my son's results in math. Also, thanks to the work he did with his tutor, our son has manifested greater confidence in his mastery of the subject..
Thank you for the services you offer because we were in a difficult situation with Samuel's school work. Thankfully you exist!.
Jérémy really liked Tania, he worked hard for an hour and a half without stopping and he was very receptive. It's the first time I saw him engage in his work! Thank you a thousand times!.
My daughter is now 19 years old, and thanks to your support, she is continuing her studies at university..
I am writing you to THANK YOU for the precious help that you provided my son, Gabi. Thanks to the support of your tutor, Gabi's grades went from 56% to 79% from one semester to the next. We know that this took a colossal amount of effort on his part... but he would not made such an improvement without you. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! As a parent, I can say that your work makes our job a little easier... We'll be seeing you again very soon..